
The Web Browser Indexer



how many browsers there are in navidex?

as of february 22 of 2023, 107. (this number is actively updated when there is a new browser)

how to search/navigate on the navidex?

go to "pages" and use the function "search in page" of your browser, as you are using a direct firefox fork or a fork of a fork, it should be easy to find IF it isn't an old browser.

why is it called "navidex" if it isn't an encyclopedia?

it is an encyclopedia, rather a unfinished one, the objective of this website is to catalog the maximum amount of web browsers possible in all platforms (linux, windows, bsd, mac, android, ios, reactos, really anything you can imagine that is possible to have a web browser...), and set a list of labels like: "Country: HDSHAGDA" or "Developer: DFSVDSHJ", but not to have really an article, think about it like a data bank of web browsers.

why "Nav"?/whats the etymology behind this weird name?

before, it was actually going to be a full encyclopedia similar to wikipedia (not a wiki btw), with in-depth long article for each browser, but then i saw it was pretty impossible to do it with my limited knowledge in web development plus i was doing it solo, then i didn't want to scrap all the project so i just made it easier and simpler and i didn't change the name or the logo; the "Nav" comes from the portuguese "Navegador" which means browser, then i included the suffix "-pedia" on it as all the other cool kids were doing it (don't ask me wtf i just wrote) so i put it too.

how can i add/suggest new browsers?

you can join the discord, then make a ticket and in some hours (or days) i will see it and add it.

why there are just windows browsers now?

because before, it was actually a collection of web browsers, my personal collection, and in that time i only used windows so i never added other browsers, im starting to add then more recently.

what browser do the founder of navidex use?

i use librewolf! ^w^

what font is used in the "n" of navidex's logo?


when was it created?

it all started in 10/27/2022, the navidex was originally created as a program writen in python that was just a very simple tkinter window, storing about 80 web browsers; it was officially released in 11/3/2022, and between 11/3/2022 and 11/24/2022, it had 4 names: its first name was WBC, an abbreviation for Web Browser Center; the first ever version of the program, was WBC 0.0, which was the innitial release, then WBC 0.1, which included 21 new browsers: Ghostlie, Firefox Light, Briskbard, Chedot, Chromodo, BitTube, CryptoTab, Opera Neon, UR Browser, Viasat Browser, Kinza, Sleipnir, Slimjet, Qute Browser, aBrowser, Iridium, AirBrowse, SlimBoat, Kingpin, AVG Browser, and Arora; and there is WBC 0.2, the last version of WBC, which included iTop Browser, Atom, CCleaner Browser, Sielo, Programmer Browser, Ghostery Dawn, and Sandcat; then, it some time of innactivity, in this time, it had 2 names, first Tvalist, then Twalist, but at the end, the name choosen was Nipara; in 11/12/2022 comes Nipara 0.0, the first and only version of Nipara, and the first version that includes dates; nipara 0.0 changelog is: "fixed some bugs and added Netscape"; in 11/25/2022, it changed name again, Lomt, and it was the last version of the program, it added 3 new browsers, AXplorer, Pennywise and Edge.

then, somewhere in the start of december of 2022, the collection was converted to a website and changed name, from Lomt to Aardvark, the collection now was esthetically pleasant, displaying the browser's names, icons, and countries of origin in stylish cards; somewhere between december 20 and december 27 of 2022, this collection turned into a encyclopedia of web browsers, and the name changed to "Navpedia" then i saw that it was going to be impossible to do because my plans were so ambicious, i was planning to make each browser a dedicated in-depth article, then i saw that this wes impossible to do because i am a solo dev and that my web dev skills are rather limited to i made the project a bit easier, instead of writing entire articles about a browser, then i shortned the project and now is an indexer, a catalog of web browsers.